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If I’m looking for a rental, can you find one for me?
We don’t actively look for rentals for you, but we do have a Rental page that is updated daily with our current list of available properties.

You can also stop by our office to get a physical copy of our rental list, which is updated and printed every Thursday.

How do I apply for a rental?

First, get registered on our website here. Once that’s done, simply go to our Rentals page and click “Rent Me Today” on whichever rental you’re interested in!

What if I don’t have a computer to be able to apply online?
We have paper applications at the office that can be filled out in person and handed in.


How do we pay our dues for Strata? (ie. maintenance fees, gas bills, fines, special levies):

We accept:

  • Exact Cash (as we don’t carry change in the office)
  • Cheques
  • Money Orders
  • Automatic Withdrawal Forms
Who should my personal cheques be made payable to?
Your cheques should be made payable to your Strata Corporation’s name or Strata Plan number.
How do I set up automatic withdrawal for my Strata/HOA Fees?

Come into the office to fill out our automatic withdrawal form. You need to bring a void cheque or the appropriate information sheet from your bank in order to complete the form.


You can also phone the office to and ask for the automatic withdrawal form to be emailed to you. If you get it emailed, you can mail it or scan it once it’s filled out.

Please note: automatic withdrawal forms have to be in 5 business days before the end of the month (by noon the latest). If they’re later than that, they won’t take effect until the following month.

What if I’m too late in setting up my automatic withdrawal for my strata payments?

You can:

  • Mail in a cheque
  • Come into the office with a cheque
  • Come into the office with exact cash
  • Specify on the automatic withdrawal form that you would like a one-time double payment to come out the following month (sign beside where you specify)


Tenancy Agreement:

A tenancy agreement is a contract between a tenant and their landlord. It outlines:

  • Tenant rights
  • Landlord rights
  • Occupancy term
  • Rent amount.
Condition Report:

A “walk-through” is conducted prior to tenancy to confirm the condition of the home when the tenant moved in to assist with the eventual move out and ensuring there has been no damage caused by the tenant, or that any pre-existing damage was noted at the time of initial tenancy.


The report should be filled out right before the tenant first moves into the property.

For example, if there’s a big scratch in one of the walls before the tenant moves in, that’s not the tenant’s responsibility. Their damage deposit can’t be used to fix the scratch, and the damage gets put on the conditioning report.


Strata Property Act:

The legal framework that all strata corporations and strata owners must follow in BC.

This framework is affected by judicial decisions from court cases and other legislation.

Capital Planning:

A budget put in place for annual maintenance, such as:

  • Roof replacement
  • Elevator repairs
  • Painting